This past week, we received an email from Mikey's Funnies that I wanted to pass along to our readers. It was written by a local friend of his, Diane L Penrose, in 2005. Permission has been given to share with others, with attribution, but commercial use is strictly forbidden. It is simply entitled "Memorial Day":
It's not about the parties
Or picnics on the beach
It's in memory of those who have fallen
Just now beyond our reach
The men and women of past
Who gave of life and limb
To protect the freedoms that we enjoy
Our right to believe in Him
From our forefathers of yesteryear
To Grandpa in "forty-one"
Dad in Korea and Vietnam
A brother in Desert Storm
As you lounge beside the pool
Or stroll along the shore
Take a moment to reflect upon
Those that are no more
Take a look around you
At the life you hold so dear
Just a moment to remember
And you'll find that they're still here