It was on this fateful day that she was asked to help on an actual abortion, something she had never done or even witnessed before. After watching the 13-week-old baby fight for its life before losing it to the abortionist she was assisting, she quit her job and became a pro-life activist.
I’ve often heard it said that “if wombs had windows, abortion would cease”. I believe that on that day, Ms Johnson realized for the first time that her clinic was actually murdering babies, not just aborting some glob of tissue like they were telling the mothers.
From the publisher:
Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in her first actual abortion procedure, walked across the road to join the Coalition for Life.From the Inside Flap:Unplanned is a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue. Telling Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the life versus rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies.
“As I took the ultrasound probe in hand, I could not have imagined how the next ten minutes would shake the foundation of my values and change the course of my life.”We highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the truth about the abortion industry, but particularly to those parents who are facing these decisions.Abby Johnson joined Planned Parenthood as a college student because she wanted to help women in crisis—a goal she believed the organization shared. As she rose through the ranks to become a clinic director, however, things started to shift. Finances grew tighter, clinic practices changed, and Abby became increasingly unsettled about what she was being asked to do. But it wasn’t until she helped perform an actual abortion procedure that Abby fully realized what she’d been a part of all those years.
In the pages of Unplanned, you’ll also discover:
A compelling story of crisis and change, Unplanned is also a reminder of how grace finds us in unlikely places, and how we can all reach out with love to those who stand on opposing sides.
- What Abby found so attractive about the mission and goals of Planned Parenthood
- The personal secret that Abby had kept buried for years
- The things she’d believed and told patients that she discovered not to be true
- An insider’s perspective on Planned Parenthood’s practices as well as the heartfelt but misguided efforts of some radical antiabortion activists
- The courage and resilience she’s seen on both sides of the fence—from staff members to clients in crisis to prayerful volunteers
Abby Johnson holds a B.S. in psychology from Texas A&M University and an M.A. in counseling from Sam Houston State University. She was hired by Planned Parenthood in 2005 and progressed to the position of community services director and health educator, where she served as liaison between the community and Planned Parenthood as media correspondent. Later promoted to health center director, Johnson ran both the family planning and abortion programs. In 2009 she left Planned Parenthood and joined the local Coalition for Life as a volunteer. She continues her volunteer activities and now works on projects with the national 40 Days for Life campaign. She and her husband, Doug, have a young daughter and live in Texas.
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