Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Retiring "to" Ministry

Green Waterfall Personal Update: I finally did it! After several years of declarations, promises, postponements, threats, reversals and other false starts, I finally retired from my position at a major international engineering company. I had been working from home the past 8-10 years.

I was never classified as an official tele-worker, just stopped going into the office. My transition from office to home didn’t happen overnight but was more of a gradual process. I was assigned to the Dallas office Water Group, but most of my work came from the Ports and Maritime Division of the Transportation Group. I primarily designed electrical substations, infrastructure and facilities for ports up and down the East Coast of North America from New England to Costa Rico. I also did a fair amount of work for the Power Group in the Middle East, where I designed electrical substations and facilities for privately owned industrial cities.

But, enough of the boring stuff. Let’s talk about “retirement”. The best advice that I ever got regarding retirement was “don’t retire from something, retire to something”. That is, your primary reason for retiring should not be to stop doing what you’re currently doing, but to do something better. In 2006, I began my website ministry, ad Dei Gloriam Ministries but was often frustrated due to the lack of available time for it. Sometimes I would even go months without working on the site. So, I finally put in my retirement papers to the engineering company and retired to devote much more time to my research and writing ministry.

I would also like to greatly thank all the excellent guest authors that have contributed to this blog the past few years. My input has been minimal, so you kept the blog from going almost completely dormant. Finally, a huge “thank you” to our loyal readers of our website and blog that have continued to “tune in” over the past few lean years. Finally, I thank God for His blessings and this opportunity, and hope to continue working as long as He allows. Soli Deo Gloria.

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